Bouzouki Lessons by Sotirios Noussias

History of Bouzouki
Bouzouki Music

Who was the creator of the 8 string bouzouki? After the Second World War, people started to frequent taverns where bouzouki bands were performing. A banjo player by the name of Stefanakis got the idea and made an eight string bouzouki.

Manolis Hiotis, a talented musician at that time, saw it and began to master it. Harry Lemonopoulos, a violinist, also fell in love with this new bouzouki. Ironically, these first players became, and are still considered the best all time players of the 8 string bouzouki.

The 8 string bouzouki provided the player with more comfortable harmonic and melodic fingerings than did its predecessor, the 6 string bouzouki. Even though the 6 stringer did not offer many easy movements, it was unbeatable when it came to the taximia (solos). The great late Yiannis Papaioannou, an early player of the 6 string bouzouki, is considered the best all-time taxim player.

When many of the old timers switched from the 6 stringer to the 8 stringer, they used many of their old fingerings, which made their playing unique. Even though these old fingerings are considered unorthodox by modern standards, they are most valuable in that they produce the old time flavor.

Those who would like to learn the old time fingering methods, which were passed down through the years, should order a "52 Movable Scale Patterns for the 8 String Bouzouki". Unlike any other method book, this collection of charts diagram the most popular fingerings used by both the old timers, and also the modern players.

For serious students, "Bouzouki My Love I" offers the opportunity to learn the dromoi as instructed by Harry Lemonopoulos. "Bouzouki My Love II" offers the method used by Manolis Hiotis to play and master the harmonic movements of the various dromoi on the bouzouki.

"Bouzouki My Love III" for the intermediate - advanced bouzouki players adds to the necessary knowledge of the above courses, and teaches the heart and soul of bouzouki playing.

Bouzouki My Love I, Bouzouki My Love II, Bouzouki My Love III and the 52 Movable Scale Pattern course will give the ardent student the necessary knowledge to reach his or her full potential as a musician.

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